Friday, January 3, 2014

January 3 - dfree® Devotions for Financial Freedom

"Adam and his wife (Eve) were both naked, and they felt no shame." Genesis 2:25 (NIV)

I served in two high level government jobs that required extensive background investigations. In both cases, the law enforcement investigators had to assure that I had not committed a crime. Since I was being considered for an appointment to an important position, they found people I had forgotten I knew and asked them questions about me. They interviewed neighbors that I had at every address where I once lived. The process was so intrusive that it was intimidating. I felt completely exposed. It was like being naked.

One need not be in line for a big job to be scrutinized to the point of feeling "undressed". Our personal information is requested and accessed so often that it is completely possible to feel as if everyone wants to know our business. It is important to keep our personal information as confidential as possible with our goal to live as Adam and Eve lived before they messed up - if we have to be naked then we should also attempt to be unashamed. Because they had yet to make a mistake, the first man and first woman could be described as being naked and they felt no shame.

When we conduct our personal business with that standard in mind, we do our very best to avoid doing anything that could bring us, our families, our employers or our businesses any shame. Without such a standard very smart people do very dumb things and bring disgrace to their entire existence.  To be seen by anyone in the world and feel no shame should be our goal.

"Dear God: Make me a person that can be transparent in my dealings and never be ashamed. Amen."

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