Thursday, April 18, 2013

dfree® Tip of the Week

Dear Friend,

Several years ago, as our church collected money for families devastated by the effects of Hurricane Katrina, a well-dressed highly educated young professional privately confessed that he sincerely wanted to give to this worthy cause, but he had nothing to give.  Unfortunately, this is true for many; personal debt causes them to miss the blessing of providing help to others. 

Giving to others is one of the most life-changing actions that you can take on your financial journey.  It helps maintain the proper perspective on money as a gift from God.  It allows us to stay focused on what matters most, and it forces us to appreciate what we have.

If you desire to help others, but your financial situation will not allow for it, consider the advice that I offered that young man.  Commit to the dfree process.  Work to loosen the chains of financial slavery so that you can make giving to your church, giving to charitable organizations, and giving in the midst of tragedy a priority.

This week, as you remember the victims of the Boston Marathon bombings in your thoughts and prayers, pray that you can be a blessing to others even as you work on yourself. 

God bless,

DeForest B. Soaries, Jr. 

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